Inteligencia Artificial y Bienestar de las Juventudes en América Latina.

CaS Argentina 2014
The Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, UNICEF Argentina, with support from the Communication Division of UNICEF headquarters and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Argentine Republic through the National Directorate for the Protection

CaS Chile 2016
Conectados al Sur: Chile, was the second Conectados al Sur regional symposium on youth and digital media. The event focused on the use and adaptation of the Internet by traditionally marginalized youth in order to increase the inclusion of these groups

CaS Costa Rica 2018
Conectados al Sur: Costa Rica Symposium, finalizes with great success Digital Transformation and New Challenges for the Inclusion of Youth San José (Costa Rica), January 15 and 16, 2018 2 days debating and enriching each other with the contributions of

CaS in Media
Venezuela: Expertos discuten desafíos digitales en niños de América Latina Chile: Conectados al sur: una reflexión sobre el uso que dan a las nuevas tecnologías los jóvenes vulnerables Conectados al Sur: El simposio de ciudadanía digital y juventud llega a

New book: Youth, Digital Transformation and forms of Inclusion in Latin America.
The Centro de Estudios Fundación Ceibal, in collaboration with the network Digitally Connected (hosted by Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and UNICEF), the Institute of Communication and Image of the University of Chile, the Facultad de Comunicación e Información de la Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Digital report III Regional Symposium CaS Costa Rica 2018
Memoria CaS_2018 This post is also available in: Spanish