TalleresThe Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), through the Secretary of Children and Adolescents, the Ministry of Education and Justice, are focusing on the different challenges children and youth are facing which can occur in the digital world. Together with UNICEF Argentina and the NGO Faro Digital, we have designed different strategies in the framework of an awareness campaign that aims to bring information and tools to families, schools and the different social sectors of the Province. The main objective is to achieve a responsible use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).

Activities with youth:  A theatrical improvisation is performed, where the public actively participate to solve the situations of bullying and grooming that were previously presented.

Activities with adults: A series of talks among teachers, social workers, territorial referents, journalists and tutors, are developed to provide prevention information about the different matters that may arise by the use of the Internet and Social Networks (such as sexting, bullying, grooming).

CharlasThe aim of this campaign is to be able to include adults in the digital world so they can accompany children and youth, and also, to enhance the creative use of digital technologies. Listening to the children and educating them in diverse values, fostering respect to each other and creating instances of genuine and open dialogue.


Argentina: Theatrical workshops and talks on digital citizenship campaign

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