Design for Change Uruguay is a project aimed at teachers and students from Uruguay’s middle schools.

This project is part of a worldwide movement called “Design for change” in which 30 other countries participate. Through this project, promoted by Plan Ceibal, Uruguay is represented in the world by teachers and students who are encouraged to innovate in education.

The mission of DEC is to promote in teachers and students of Media Education the development or strengthening of the competences for the deep learning through changes generated by them in the centers of studies, using Design Thinking, as a methodological tool.


The slogan that frames the proposal for this 2017 is:
“Imagine being the protagonist of a transformative learning environment. Stick to change to achieve it!”

Participation in Designing Change is voluntary and the duration of the work process is 3 months. The teams will travel through 4 stages that will allow them to define a problem or situation of improvement and to approach a solution through creative strategies.

To improve this year’s proposal, during the second half of the year, a series of specific activities will be offered to teachers and students participating in the project in its different editions (2013 to 2016) with three objectives:
– providing different training and professional development spaces
– to promote the exchange of successful strategies
– motivate the generation of educational communities.


Design for Change Uruguay

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