All Learning (AL) is a program of Plan Ceibal (Uruguay) that supports the creation and implementation of digital inclusion projects (DIP) in schools. Through these projects the teaching teams, the students and their families make a better use of Ceibal resources for learning and social inclusion.

It is developed in Initial and primary schools (urban, rural, special and kindergardens) and in middle schools (Technical, Agrarian and High School).

Each participating center of the program designs and implements a Digital Inclusion Project, based on the needs and demands identified in their educational community and taking into account the resources and opportunities they have. The project, which is carried out all the year, includes three lines of work: with teachers, students and families.

The All Learning Program assigns to each center a Project referent who facilitates the overcoming of obstacles presented, promotes teamwork and transfers the knowledge and good practices identified in other centers participating in the program.


In the technical and agrarian schools that participate in the program, there is a team of teachers who coordinate streamline and promote the activities carried out in the school for the execution of the AL, in coordination with the management team and Plan Ceibal .

The objectives of the Program in Media Education are:

✓ Promote the involvement and the generation of initiatives by the students that contribute to their process of development and learning mediated by the digital technologies.
✓ Increase the level of knowledge, appropriation and significant use of the resources provided by Ceibal at the level of the teaching staff for their integration into the classroom proposal.
✓ Disseminate the potential of the resources provided by Ceibal at the level of the family referents and of the students, and promote the exercise of their digital citizenship.

The All Learning program promotes learning processes based on the needs and interests of the protagonists, both at the student level and with teachers and families. Encouraging teamwork, collaboration in proposals of common interest, and strengthening of links between teacher-students, teachers between teachers, student-pupil, student-family, teacher-family, center-community and mediated by technologies.


Uruguay: Digital inclusion in education centers

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